
NXB is a comprehensive management platform for your mobile workforce.

The NXB platform automates call management and provides you with a tool to track your mobile workforce in real-time. NXB is cloud hosted or integrated with your ERP system which automates workflow, drives efficiencies and allows for richer management tools.

The Bottom Line: NXB makes managing your mobile workforce easier and more efficient with direct department cost reduction by as much as 30%.

Case Study*The company may not be real, but the results certainly are.

Managing a mobile workforce can be a very difficult and time-consuming process without access to the right information. Here are some of the challenges that the "ABC" Company faces without NXB and the ways NXB solves each problem by automating processes and providing valuable, real-time information.



ABC has to manually assign deliveries and service calls to individuals without a real-time understanding of their current workload. The delivery assignment and dispatching tasks are now automated allowing for fewer ABC employees to be focused on each task.
ABC cannot assess each worker's location in order to assign new incoming calls or re-assign old calls. Smith is able to review the next day's call assignments to better prepare for the day ahead.
ABC is not able to provide its workforce with "best routes" to get from delivery-to-delivery or call-to-call. Out in the field, Smith receives Google's "Best Route" directions from point to point allowing him to navigate with efficiency.
Smith also often has to cut his field work short in order to get back to the office for all of the administrative recording of what he did that day as well as turning in time and mileage. Once an assignment is complete, Smith can simply obtain an auto-signature from the customer showing call completion or proof-of-delivery.
Without NXB's best route vs. actual route information, ABC has no way of knowing how much it is over-paying in mileage expense. Since every step is recorded by NXB and sent to ABC's ERP and payroll systems, Smith's administrative work is complete and accurate.